Blue project yi plash
Blue project yi plash

blue project yi plash

Hyas tyee, a great chief hyas mahcook, a great price dear hyas ahnkutte, a long time ago hyas kloshe, very good. Denotes surprise or admiration also earnestness. Its origin has been suggested in oui oui, yes yes. Andersen says this is a cant word of the Canadians, signifying a hasty exchange. Huyhuy la sille, change the saddle huyhuy tumtum, to change one's mind. A bargain or exchange to barter or trade. Huloima tilikum, a different tribe or people hyas huloima, very different. Used with the verb mamook, as, mamook hullel, it becomes active. Mahkook house, a store Boston house, an American-built house, as distinguished from a lodge. Cultus heehee, fun mamook heehee, to amuse heehee house, any place of amusement, as a tavern, bowling-alley, &c. Used with the active verb mamook as, mamook haul. Halo wind, breathless dead halo glease, lean halo ikta, poor destitute. Mamook hahlakl la pote, open the door chahko hallakl (as of the woods), to open out Hyeu glease, very fat too-toosh glease, butter. (literally, the first people), a race of beings who inhabited the world before the Indians.Įlite (e-li'-te), n. Klatawa elip, go before elip lolo chuck, in the first place carry water elip kloshe, best elip tilikum, n. Aid assistance alms.Įlip (e'-lip), or el'ip (el'-ip), adv. A brother-in-law.Įlahan (e'-la-han), or elánn (e-lánn), n. Eena stick (literally, beaver wood ), the willow.Įenapoo (ee'-na-poo), or inapoo (in-a-poo), n. Often erroneously pronounced Ay-keh-nam.Įhkoli (eh-ko-li), n. Chikamin dolla, silver pil dolla, gold dolla siághost, spectacles.Įhkáhnam (eh-káh-nam), n. Chahko dely, to become dry mamook dely, to dry, v. Sometimes used combined with the article, as LEJAUB.ĭly (d'ly), or dely (de-ly), adj. Klatawa delett, go straight delett wauwau, tell the truth.ĭiáub (di-áub), or yaub, n. Cultus, i.e., nothing.ĭeláte (de-láte), or delétt (de-létt), adj., adv.

blue project yi plash


Cultus man, a worthless fellow cultus potlatch, a present or free gift cultus heehee, a jest merely laughing cultus nannitsh, to look around cultus mitlite, to sit idle to do nothing cultus klatawa, to stroll. Worthless good for nothing without purpose. Siwash cosho, a seal literally, Indian pig.Ĭul'tus (cul'-tus), adj. The smaller sized dentalium or shell money.


Cooley kiuatan, a race-horse yahka hyas kumtuks cooley, he can, i.e., knows how to run well.Ĭoopcoop (coop'-coop), n. Mamook comb, to comb mamook comb illahie, to harrow.Ĭooley (coo'-ley), v. Cole illahie, winter icht cole, a year cole sick waum sick, the fever and ague.Ĭomb, n. Salt chuck, the sea skookum chuck, a rapid solleks chuck, a rough sea chuck chahko or kalipi, the tide rises or falls saghilli and keekwillie chuck, high and low tide.Ĭhukkin (chuk-kin), n., v. Nootka, CHAUK (Cook) CHAHAK, fresh water (Jewitt) Chinook, TLTSUK (Shortess) Clatsop, TL'CHUKW. T'kope chikamin, silver pil chikamin, gold or copper. Tokwaht, TSIKAMEN Nootka, SICKAMINNY (Jewitt) SEEKEMAILE (Cook). Used only on Puget Sound.Ĭhikamin (chik'-a-min), n., adj. Used on the lower Columbia.Ĭhetwoot (chet-woot), n. Hyas chee, entirely new.Ĭhetlo (chet'-lo), or jet'lo (jet'-lo), n. Of only local use on the lower Columbia.Ĭhee, adv., adj. The bald eagle (by onoma.), from its scream. Kansik mika chahko? when did you come? Chahko kloshe, to get well.Ĭhákchak (chák chak), n.

blue project yi plash

Nootka, Clayoquot, CHAKO Tokwaht, TCHOKWA. Canim stick, the cedar, or wood from which canoes are usually made.Ĭhahko (chah'-ko), v. The word is of very limited use.Ĭallipeen (cal'-li-peen), n. The reputation of hermaphroditism is not uncommon with Indians, and seems to attach to every malformation of the organs of generation. Boston illahie, the United States.īurdash (bur-dash), n. A name derived from the hailing-place of the first trading-ships to the Pacific. A boat, as distinguished from a canoe.īoston (bos'-ton), n., adj. A word used towards children probably a repetition of the first syllable of BAISER. In the original, only when used by her brother.Īyáhwhul (a-yáh-whul), v.

blue project yi plash

Anah nawitka mika halo shem, ah, indeed you are without shame. An exclamation denoting pain, displeasure, or depreciation. Now at the present time.Īmote (a-mo'-te), n. Presently in a little while hold on not so fast.Īlta (al'-ta), adv. Alah mika chahko! ah, you've come!Īlkie (al-kie), adv. Ahnkutte lakit sun, four days ago Tenas ahnkutte, a little while since.Īláh (al-áh), interj. With the accent prolonged on the first syllable, a long time ago. On Puget Sound, E-ÉH.Īhnkutte or ahnkottie (ah'n-kut-te or ahn-kot-tie), adv. See Wiktionary:Dictionary of the Chinook Jargon/Preface Part I.

Blue project yi plash